Weird Random Facts You Had No Idea About

We're big on truth here at YeahIsaidIt. You can ask the thousands of grateful Tokyo citizens who witnessed as we vanquished Godzilla using our patented deathray. That being said, we've decided to share with you some of the weirdest facts about the world that are in fact true...

Men Are Six Times More Likely To be Struck By Lightning Than Women

"I can work with that"

Some argue that it's actually four times more likely, but frankly we still think it's a crap deal. Of the 648 people killed by lightning in the U.S. from 1995 to 2008, 82 percent were male. And as much as we were hoping to uncover a biological cause—extra iron in the male cranium, perhaps, or the conductive properties of testosterone—it turns out men are... just kind of stupid. “Men take more risks in lightning storms,” says John Jensenius, a lightning safety expert with the National Weather Service. Way-to-go men.

Your Eyes Are Always The Same Size From Birth But Your Ears And Nose Keep Growing

Yes. That's right. If you live long enough you will end up looking like this...


That’s right. Bones stop growing after puberty and muscle and fat cells also stop dividing. But cartilage - that’s the plastic-like stuff in ears and noses -  continues to grow until the day you die. Not only does cartilage grow, but the earlobes elongate from gravity. And that makes ears look even larger.

Being Unmarried Can Shorten A Man's Life By Ten Years

"I always thought it was the other way around"

Well, it isn't, George. Years ago James Lynch, an epidemiologist from the Maryland School of Medicine, conducted research and wrote a book entitled, The Medical Consequences of Loneliness. In the study involving millions of people, Dr. Lynch analyzed the marriage, divorce, and death statistics in the United States. He concluded that men who never marry or who lose their mates from death or divorce and do not remarry will die more 13 and ¼ years sooner than men who are married. No other risk factor will shorten a man’s life more than being single; but you almost never hear about being single as a risk factor for premature death.

Both Hitler and Napoleon Were Missing One Testicle
We understand now. It's okay


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