Why it's a Bad Idea to Rewatch Childhood Cartoons as an Adult

Ah...the 90s. A colourful era
When we were kids, cartoons were the highlight of our television viewing (I'm assuming our reader's were born after the invention of TV). In the 90's, cartoons only aired on television on Saturdays, and early in the morning on weekdays when we were supposed to prepare for school (darn you, education system). Every kid in school loved cartoons as much as we did...except for the occasional creepy kids...

"Who's Bugs Bunny?"

So for those of us who are young at heart, it's a refreshing experience to kick back, relax and relive our childhood fantasies once in a while. However, as an adult, there are things you now understand that you were oblivious to as a child. Like the gay undertones in Heman (okay, overtones), and the social classes in Sesame Street (Oscar lives IN A FRIGGIN' TRASHCAN and the count laughs all the way to the bank. Why else would he be obsessed with counting?). And the smurfs. Don't get me started on the smurfs...

"How many times must i smurfing tell you to keep your smurfy hands off my smurfing stuff?!"
Now that you're all grown up, you can't help but wonder exactly what word is being substituted by 'smurf' (you know you've thought about it). It could almost be safe to say that the smurfs are foul-mouthed-creatures-named-after-the-only-skill-they-possess. No wonder Gargamel wants to rid the earth of them. They say ignorance is bliss, so why not leave the 'kids' cartoons to oblivious toddlers and upgrade to anime?

Smurf yeah!


  1. funny. yup, so so true. I rewatched Dr Snuggles the other day. the people that made that cartoon must have been tripping on LSD when they made that...


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